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Isthmian League - South East (Step 4) football clubs and stadium details

The Isthmian (Bostik) League South is at level 8 (step 4) of the English Football league pyramid

Isthmian League - South East (Step 4) average away match journey distance bar chart

The bar chart below shows the average away match journey distance in miles for each Isthmian League - South East (Step 4) team. Hover over the bar to see the exact number. The distance is measured as the crow flies to each of the other Isthmian League - South East (Step 4) team's home grounds.

Isthmian League - South East (Step 4) Ground Capacities and Distances to Away Games

Distances shown are the miles the fans of the Isthmian League - South East (Step 4) clubs would need to travel if they went to every away game, measured as the crow flies


Isthmian League - South East (Step 4) stadium quiz

Isthmian League - South East (Step 4) Football Clubs